#travel · 2 years ago

Are Jamaicans friendly?

I've heard that when you travell to Jamaica it's highly recommended that you do not leave the hotel especially for white people. Is it true because I think Jamaica is a beautiful country and it would be a big shame if I ever travell there for basically nothing.


No, we’re all mean and will murder you within seconds of you leaving the resort. /s

I see plenty of tourists traveling around the island and I don’t hear much about crime against tourists, aside from the occasional pickpocket or purse-snatcher. The high crime rate is almost entirely Jamaicans killing Jamaicans, usually in low-income communities, over gang feuds or, less often but still too often, domestic violence.


Jamaica is one of the most dangerous countries in the world but if you either stay in the all inclusive hotels, airbnbs near the best beaches and attractions or rent a car and tour the entire island you will mostly be fine.

The tourist who get in trouble are the more adventurous types who travel and just wing it and you see them in the most random places whether in Jamaica or elsewhere. We live in the internet age so do your research and don’t be that type and you will be good.


With the exception of the occasional purse grabbers and sometimes “pesky” touts and beggars, tourists (including white tourists and adventurous tourists) are very generally safe visiting almost any place in Jamaica. Where or when these visitors usually find themselves in trouble are when they somehow get involved in lowlife Jamaican criminals. For their safety, these tourists are advised to stay clear of Jamaican criminals and other lowlives as they would do in any other country


I gotta say, it’s wild to hear that white tourists don’t get hurt but natives don’t get that same luxury from one another. I wonder how black or brown tourists are treated. Sadly, Jamaica has a bad rep for the level of violence compared to other W.I countries.


I hope it’s safe for Jamaicans who have left, or those were born outside the country to Jamaicans, to come back and connect. I know several (myself included) who would love to go but are leery due to the violence.Apart from that, it’s just sad that virtually everywhere in the world, white tourists get the royal treatment over others. Seen it in Asia, Latin America, and Africa


It’s not as safe for returning Jamaicans, but not because of anything racial. Returning Jamaicans often go back to the communities where they or their families are from, expecting to be treated as another community member, but they usually are far more affluent than the rest of the community, which generates “badmind” and related issues. If a white foreigner moved into a random Jamaican community like that, they would face similar issues.


Generally white folks are safer though since the criminals know they’d face more attention and problems if they harm them. If a returning resident and a white person moved into the same community the returning resident would way more likely be harmed.


I think you are generally right, also Jamaicans will badmind foreigners less a lot of the times. But it’s not like white or Chinese people who live in Jamaica aren’t also targets if they live or do business in certain places.


As a Jamaican take it from me the country is safe whether your black white blue orange or green it just depends on the area you go there are nice people and there are bad people everywhere on earth and pro tip of someone approaches you and says am not a thief they are Sagfe Travels Y’all


Canadian here and it’s not recommended that Canadians travel to Kingston . We’ve been about 12 times and felt safe but follow the same precautions we do at home - be careful who you go anywhere with, don’t flash or carry expensive items or jewelry. We stay in AI sometimes but usually in a hotel and eat in restaurants . We have a trusted driver who takes us around and tells us where to stay away from . Jamaicans are friendly, funny and very entertaining . Some are good , some are bad like the rest of the world. Make friends but stay safe.


I get cha….but it doesn’t change the facts. I went shopping, ate great food met people I didn’t know…danced in the streets at a bar in kingson, .but saw no white people.1000s of them get of planes everyday, so you tell me why none venture out.


Have you never been to a primarily Black Country before ? Yes white people are the minority in Jamaica. White tourists don’t venture out because of the fear mongering their respective countries spew about primarily black countries. Not because they know from experience.


Well it is facts crime as risen In our country in recent years but if am being honest most tourist go to ochi for the beaches it has so you mostly find them there and where I work I see a white people daily in New Kingston it all depends on where you go just don’t visit in December thou


Are Jamaicans friendly?

  • Yes. For the most part we’re a very friendly people. Especially to tourists.

As for the safety concerns you might hear about, I’d say it’s not as bad as people make it sound. As mentioned before, the vast majority of crime and violence is amongst locals.

I grew up in a tourist area and outside of the occasional pickpocketing, it’s extremely rare for tourists to be victims of violence.

That being said, just practice common sense. As with any place in the world you visit, if you don’t have a guide, don’t explore unknown places. There are bad people everywhere in the world


Wow this is strangely not the first time having heard persons expressing their thoughts about Jamaica which is utter rubbish. Compared to the US, the people are more friendly. As it relates to crime omg.. I wonder how people from the US consider Jamaica a place not to visit because of crime. US have some of the most hanous crimes and yet u dont hear Jamaicans bashing them for it. The reason is because Jamaicans understand that crime is inevitable and it happens everywhere. The US have their regular weekend crimes and the people there are not being judged by it plus Jamaica does not believe in racism so we treat people accordingly.


I was born in Canada. Traveled there alone at age 7. I obviously stayed with my family but I was also a very stupid child and probably the most vulnerable tourist on the island at the time. Didn’t have any issues. I mean I regularly climbed over my uncle’s fence to go talk to strangers while my family was none the wiser.


Some of the best times we had inland. It’s a really beautiful country and people will really enjoy your presence and energy if you’re cool. We went to a soccer match and a cookout with a sound system and made a bunch of new friends. I hope to go back again soon. Yes white folk are rare inland but have someone who can vouch for you and show you around and you’ll be fine. No one wants trouble. People want connections and a good time. Lift up, be cool, bring good energy.



There’s a reason resorts try to keep tourists on property or in activities coordinated by them Jamaicans can be friendly but often with tourists, it’s to get more dollars from you. BEWARE!!! Also keep in mind that this is a scamming capitol and we have one of the highest murder rates in the world. FACTS


Anyone who told you to never leave your hotel want two rasclaath slap, how would you get that good jerk chicken or oxtail from the local? tbh every country have it’s good and bad, you as a person just have to be mindful of where you go when you travel to any new country.


Visited in 2010. Rented a car from a roadside stand and drove all over the island for 10 days. Everyone was friendly and kind. Never went to a resort and didn’t miss anything. Stayed in old historic hotels from bygone eras, and little pocket rentals tucked away here and there. Wouldn’t have done it any other way.


See, even that one guy in the comments that thinks Jamaica is the most dangerous place on earth still loves visiting here. xD

Just remember experiences vary, brush up on a bit of research and take what you hear from local media with a table spoon of salt. The locals will reciprocate what ever energy you give off so if you’re friendly you’ll have no trouble making friends. The connections/relationships you make will go a long way into shaping your view of Jamaica so make them count. 😁


Jamaicans are generally friendly and welcoming to visitors, including white persons, who happen to make up the largest number of visitors to the island. This why the industry continues to thrive and many become repeat visitors. One of the most important keys to having a positive experience with Jamaicans is to treat them with dignity and respect and they will give and return the same to you.


Yea enuh, in everyday life and to locals as well. Yes, there’s a high crime rate but Jamaicans are generally some of the nicest and most caring people you meet. They say it’s the ones with the least show the most care. Just be mindful. Use your wits. You can connect with us here to see Jamaica yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp0dU3bemgE


In my experience…. if you look like a local but clearly aren’t one (clothes, wrong accent, whatever) then its game on for the unscrupulous element.


Been followed twice in touristy city areas (specifically, Ocho Rios) just slightly off the beaten path for the crime of asking for directions and not tipping immediately. It might be a case of just having talked to the wrong people two different times, but what would be described as street smarts in the USA is just common sense in JA.


Never run into that issue in Mandeville, Lethe, Kingston, etc.


Lol…on my last trip to jamaica, I stayed in May Pen, Spanish Town and Kingston and didn’t see one white person the entire time I was there.My advice to you is to stay in tbe resorts or damn near close to them…And don’t for a moment think you’ll become a victim just because you are white, black tourists also stick out like sore thumbs. Listen, believe the hype, Jamaica is one dangerous island. Don’t believe me? Read a few of Jamaicas newspapers everyday online for a few days before you leave. All those people here who are saying Jamaica is safe obviously dont read the news. . Gang killings, innocent people murdered on the streets, kidnapping, an above average of little children simply just go missing….just random violence. Everyday.Go, have fun, but stay at or close to the resorts…i


The people who a saying Jamaica is safe actually live here.. the news? Lol. They report on what sells unfortunately. Not seeing another white person in the areas you stayed is normal.. we are after all predominately black country.. unless black = bad to you.. if you want to explore get a guide and live your best life here. We welcome you and your dollars. Peace, love and all a dat! ❤❤


If your replying to me nothing will stop me from coming to jamaica…no matter how dangerous it can be.As for seeing white people in those areas, I was replying to the OPs question…I can be cutting my lawn one day then two days later I’m getting off a plane in Kingston. I love the place and the people. It just dangerous thats all. More dangerous than South Africa, as dangerous as Mexico more dangerous than Chilli, and more dangerous than Texas…lol


Reporting what sells? Did you just say that? So it’s better not to let anyone know children were shot today, old people were murdered today? Gangs did drive bys today.So what if it sells or doesn’t?Personally I want to know is it true or not


That is not the only things that happen in the country. They report what sells. Yes I said that. As with every news agency in the world.. it is fine you can stay in your very peaceful neck of the woods where nothing bad ever happens..


????? Huh? What the hell are you talking about? This past weekend was vicious in jamaica? And all the newspapers reported it.I fail to understand what your trying to say.It seems like if the newspapers didn’t report it, no crime would happen? Lol…is that your message? Lol And what’s that got to do with my neck of the woods??????