#exterminator · 1 year ago

Cockpest Control

Cockpest Control is a licensed pest control operator/company. We have over twenty (20) years of experience in pest and termite control services. The creature that is called pest or pestilence is a vehicle that makes germs, bacteria and diseases to humans, other animals, livestock and plants. They destroy building structures and wooden fixtures and agricultural produce that run into millions of dollars worth of damage annually. Vector control was developed to combat these enemies and to help us maintain a healthier living. It is within these guidelines that Cockpest control believes that integrated pest management is paramount in managing pest whether it be sanitation control, physical control, mechanical control or biological control. These methods must be administered before chemical control is applied a chemical method should be a last resort. Cockpest Control is owned and operated by Mr. Eccleston Campbell, with our motto being, "GOOD SERVICE MAKES YOU HAPPY" meaning we go the extra mile to suit our clients' demands and needs. Our services are customized with quality services and real professional techniques to do the job. We have certified applicators and all our services are insured. Cockpest Control is a licensed pest control operator that is approved by the Pesticides Control Authority of Jamaica and is registered with the company's office of Jamaica. Our services are contractually based on our findings after assessment and estimate also considering the time period in which the client has allotted to create a pest-free environment with our pest prevention services. We use a wide range of chemical formulas such as emulsifiable concentrate, gel, wax block, wettable powder, water displaceable powder, granules etc.

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