#dating · 1 year ago

Why are Jamaican men so confident when hitting on women?

In comparison to white American men, black American men, and some Hispanics I notice Jamaican men are extremely direct with their intentions, motives, and thoughts when hitting on me/my friends. I don’t think I have EVER had a American man speak to me with the confidence that Jamaicans do. I’m not saying it’s offensive, I’m just wondering why their level of confidence and blunt language is so much more than that of other cultures I’ve seen. Is it something you’re taught while growing up? Something you see your family members do/encourage?


It has to do with how they were raised. If they were brought up in a community where everyone knows one another and everybody hangs out outside instead of locked inside their homes being social is par of the course is the reason why these men are so confident and social.

If you hang around uptown Jamaicans the men are more reserved and less outgoing as they stay inside on their computer/tv/phones more + were brought up probably not even knowing who their neighbours are and this type of upbringing generally leads to being more antisocial.


Not all of us, I wish I had quarter of the confidence of average Jamaican man. That said being shy as I am helped me focus on being very observant and charismatic in other ways to attract women. I still need to work on my cold approach tho


My ex gf went on a trip to Jamaica with her family years before we met and “fell in love” with a man there at the resort he worked at and he ended up getting fired. Not kidding. This happened over the course of like a few days lmao If you knew my ex, this wasn’t shocking, she constantly fantasized things and lived with her head in the clouds. Nice person, just very out of touch. Anywho, According to her (white woman) she said a lot of Jamaican men desperately want a non Jamaican women so they can come to the US and will do anything to achieve it. She said the guy she was seeing told her their culture of men are taught to smooth talk to get what they want - hence being blunt regarding sex, money, etc. She was in a romance with him for like a couple months and once she realized it was a 90 day fiancé situation and he wanted money she dipped. However, after that trip, she began weirdly fetishizing Jamaican men in general and was traveling back and forth there like every 3 months - hence her bold opinion about Jamaican men. I do remember her telling me because she had low self esteem, so it was flattering being hit on constantly by random dudes, be it offensive or not. I don’t know how true it all is as I’m sure there are a lot of people who aren’t like this.


I don’t think it’s generally all Jamaican men. But the ones who are of such a disposition I think are driven largely by the urge to procreate and not much else. It’s almost as if higher brain functions are repressed as well as the accompanying inhibitions.


Also I noticed from travel to about 30 different cultures that Jamaican & some African men are most similar to the Italian men when it comes to women. They LOVE everything about women. Big, slim, tall or short as long as you are named woman they adore you. They are raised by moms who they love dearly & worship the genetics that created them. Bottom line, as long as you are a woman they are confidently in love with you. *caution thier respect for you may or may not include respecting the other 3 women they are dating at the same time 😬


Yeah….I’m not so sure it’s confidence and not something else. I was advised by multiple female friends that if I went to Jamaica to make sure my husband was with me at all times. They have a high rape percentage.