#insurance · 1 year ago

Allied Insurance Brokers Ltd

Allied Insurance Brokers Limited is a subsidiary of GraceKennedy Limited. For over 37 years the organisation has been the forerunner in meeting the needs of the private and public sectors. We offer professional insurance broking services and consultancy. Allied Insurance Brokers Limited is registered with the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and has become "the point of reference" for all classes of general insurance, group life, and health insurance. We compare rates and terms from various insurance companies, to ensure that the policy you get suits you best, and if you need to make a claim, we'll be at your side through the entire process. Our team of professionals is prepared to respond to the increasing and ever-changing needs of the industry and to protect the interests of our clients. At Allied Insurance Brokers Limited, we believe in teamwork, integrity, honesty, innovation, professionalism, trust, and understanding of our customer's expectations and needs. For more information on how we can help you, visit our website or give us a call.

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