#transportation · 2 years ago

Would a ferry system really help with traffic in Jamaica?

I’ve seen some people throw this idea as being somewhat helpful to ease urban transit. Yea I can see route from portmore to Kingston but after docking wouldn’t passengers need to get to the northern parts of the area after docking in the harbor?


Yes ofc it would. The reason for so much traffic is because our leaders don’t have vision and just copy the American car based system that causes us to need to drive to get anywhere. We should have a massive urban transit system islandwide with Good bus systems railway and subways which would allow for walkable cities which would be beneficial to shops and plazas in city cores


Barges to carry goods along the coast would make sense too, USA became rich by shipping goods internally on the Mississippi, some even think thats the number one reason for their wealth (along with enslaving 12.5 million people 🤷🏽‍♀️). Cheap and easy cargo transport is fundamental to a country’s growth.
We should also be riding bicycles everywhere, although our hills and climate might make that difficult, but if biking infrastructure (protected bike lanes, secure storage etc.) was built I’m sure people would do it. But that would also require a big culture change.


I rode a bike around the southwest corner of the island for a couple weeks. If ever there was a place that could benefit from bicycle tourism it’d be Jamaica. It’d help get people out of the resorts and into the island as well spending money with people who need it most. But it has a long long way to go for people to feel safe biking around the island.


I think we would need a shift, because no one likes to arrive sweaty and there is only so much flossing you can do on an expensive bicycle. 😂 I know my people, it doesn’t have to be good but it has to look good.


Absolutely a cultural change. JA too busy trying to be like USA, while forgetting USA has so many infrastructure issue they want to change. Look to successful countries like Denmark. Everyone takes public transit, rides bikes or walks. Ordinary families don’t have a need for a vehicle. When is the last time you saw someone from uptown in a route taxi or bus that wasn’t Knutsford?


There is a rail into Kingston so they should try commuter rail. The best option would be try improving the buses like using longer articulated buses. Dedicated bus lanes during rush hours. Staggered starting and ending hours like maybe government workers and schools could start and end later in the day.


But our roads are too narrow for that to be in widescale use. How about medium sized buses along with commuter rail and a subway that interconnect many urban places . Ambitious I know but I try to think big


Cost is a factor. Many of the largest cities have started to build subways. But it will be beyond the ability of small countries and cities to finance projects like this. I was thinking private buses, taxi and Ubers in certain areas of the cities during peak hours.


I think it would be awesome ideas as most of the traffic starts on Mandela Highway and goes right into town. A proper route with multiple stops would solve the problems of many Spanish Town and Portmore residents.I don’t think it will happen though at least not for the next 50 years as the gas companies and car dealerships wouldn’t like that very and would rather lobby (bribe) our corrupt thieving government into creating policies for themselves. It’s literally the same thing happening in the US especially the big cities like Miami, Las Angeles etc. They have the resources, but a too efficient of system would cost big business millions of dollars.


Yea I was talking about this with my father and I believe anyone who wants to invest in rail and other forms of transportation would have to do so carefully because stakeholders in the auto industry wouldn’t really like alternatives. Knowing how Jamaica stay I wouldn’t be surprised if corrupted officials resort to crime to silence anyone who wants to implement alternative transportation


The system in Jamaica is on a gridlock esp when it comes to changes that may benefit the masses over the few…due to the leadership being so vulnerable to corruption from forces that don’t gaf about the forward movement & development of all aspects of the lives of the average national.


There is a proposed ferry system that would go between Portmore and Kingston. Persons who want to go to the North coast would simply do some by entering the North South Highway from the Angels entrance in Spanish Town or by going on the Mandela Highway from Spanish Town.

At the core of our traffic problems lies the following:

  1. Poor urban planning
  2. Poor public transportation system.
  3. Crime: persons fear they may be robbed in taxis.
  4. Cars: due to 3 and 2 people opt to buy a car as soon as they get the chance which leads to too many vehicles on the road.
  5. Lack of corporate vision: Some companies hate the idea of Work from Home.


I am not sure how well it would go over in Jamaica but there are obviously several places where it could be used. It works well in Mexico and tickets are less expensive for locals to use the ferry as opposed to tourist.

In Mexico at the ferry docks going and coming there are collectivos (same as a red plate) the public transportation lined up to then ‘land transfer’ the folks getting off to their final destination.