#real-estate · 1 year ago

Commission Of Strata Corporations

The Commission of Strata Corporations is committed to offering efficient, timely and customer focused service. We have two operational arms which are the Administrative Arm and the Investigative Arm. Our Administrative Arm receives applications, prepares certificates and Board papers, and communicates with the client. The Investigative Arm operates in the field gathering evidence and ensuring that the Registration (Strata Titles) Act is conformed with. Our services include the initial registration of Strata Corporations, issuing of certificates of registration, annual registration of Strata Corporations, and issuing of annual certificates of registration. We investigate complaints and issue certificates authorising Corporations to exercise power of sale. We also mediate where there are disputes between members of executive of Strata Corporations and proprietors or between proprietors. For more information, visit our website or give us a call today.

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