Do you want to report "Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission"
About JADCOs Testing Programme JADCO plays an integral role in conducting testing on all athletes, also known as doping control. JADCO conducts all tests in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code and the WADA International Standards for Testing and Investigations (ISTI). Testing or doping control serves as a deterrent to the use of prohibited substances and methods in sport. It is also a means of validating the performance of our athletes and demonstrating their compliance towards maintaining a drug free attitude towards sport. Ultimately, JADCO works to protect the right of every athlete to participate in dope free sport. Who Does JADCO Test? Athletes who are members of a Jamaican National Sporting Federation or Association. Any international athlete that competes at a national event in Jamaica. Athletes included in JADCOs Registered Testing Pool (RTP). Foreign athletes that JADCO has been authorised to test by an International Federation or other National Anti-Doping Organisation. All athletes who are present in Jamaica, whether to compete, train or otherwise. Testing Programme Athletes may be selected for doping control and asked to provide a urine and/or blood sample. Samples are analysed for prohibited substances and methods as outlined in the WADA Prohibited List . What is in-competition testing versus out-of competition testing? When a test is conducted in connection with a specific competition, its called in-competition testing. Any other doping control is referred to as out-of-competition testing. How are athletes selected and notified for in-competition testing? Athletes are chosen for in-competition testing as a result of a finishing position, a random selection method, or in some cases, a targeted test. How are athletes selected and notified for out-of-competition testing? Athletes may be selected for out-of-competition testing anywhere and at any time during the year. This means that the tests are unscheduled and athletes will not know they are going to be tested until an authorised DCO arrives at their training venue, residence, or any other location and informs them they have been selected for doping control. What happens if an athlete refuses to cooperate? Effective doping control requires the cooperation and participation of all athletes. A refusal or failure to comply with doping control procedures, without sufficient cause, may constitute an anti-doping rule violation.