#leaving-jamaica · 1 year ago

Leaving Jamaica

What do you guys think about this phenomenon? Do you think it is valid for people to leave the country for 'better?'


My family did, when the recession hit Jamaica in 07 my dad who was an engineer lost his job then invested in farming. Eventually a new job came from overseas that will help provide for our family. Thanks to this opportunity our family is doing well and we wend money home to help our family. Is Brain Drain bad? Only if we had a place for our professionals in the first place, whenever anyone goes to foreign send money home or a barrel of clothes helps out not only our family but the economy too I think.


But where would you run to? Because even though there are opportunities in other first world countries, it’s not a walk in the park. These are very unforgiving places. You can’t owe a bill for a day late. And you can’t survive off minimum wage. Nobody is there to assist you. Family is absent.

The flexibility in Jamaica is great and is unfortunately not leveraged by most Jamaican ppl. You know how easy it is to set up a business in Jamaica vs in a first world country. Do you know how easily you can be sued out of existence if you make a mistake with someone? The list goes on! Jamaica is bad. It is far from the worst.


Bro I dont want to be a millionaire I just want to work for my own and live good and Jamaica only giving me call centers to use so might as well I suffer somewhere there are opportunities since me affi guh suffer either way


Jamaicans have always been migrating to other countries to seek a better life. From Panama Canal to Costa Rico’s plantations, then England, now the USA and other places. We are risk-takers and go-getters. Where ever we think there is an opportunity to better ourselves and our families, we will take it. First, the lower class made up a large percentage of migrants, then the business and professional class during our experiment with socialism. Now everybody seems to be running. A forward-thinking government would see this as an opportunity. Identify the issues that cause people to migrate and fix them. Then you will have Jamaicans who have gained capital and experience in developed economies, seeing Jamaica as an excellent place to work and invest. We have more Jamaicans overseas than those living on the island. They can potentially transform the economy if a percentage of those with capital and specialized skill return.


It’s the responsibility of the state to provide an environment where the citizens would want to stay. It’s not the responsibility of the citizens to stick around until that happens. It’s not like we hate Jamaica. It’s literally just hard to survive there.


I’m not sure what you mean by “valid”. However, I feel that the government is responsible for the majority of the brain drain in Jamaica. They give little reason for people to stay, so when people see a better opportunity for themselves overseas, then they go for it. There’s very little government does to retain highly trained and highly educated people, as crime continues to rise and economic opportunities within the island far and few between.

I also found this research article on the brain drain situation in Jamaica:

Personal Networks and Migration Decision: The Case of Jamaican Brain Drain

And I found this article on the how difficult it is to get accepted into medicine at UWI, not because of grades, but because of the stipulation attached to the tuition:

Brilliant Jamaican Students Unable to Access Jamaican Universities


The sad thing is, with opportunities, Jamaica would be a PHENOMENAL place to live.

Recently that idiot Richard Vernon was calling people “unpatriotic cowards” for leaving Jamaica and going elsewhere. For one thing, people can’t eat patriotism nor does it pay the bills. Secondly, the government doesn’t give any incentives to retain it’s citizens. Don’t even get me started on the number of returnees (some of whom actually want to provide opportunities for locals) who end up being killed by criminals and the general badmindedness.

There’s too many negative factors that are causing people to leave. The murder rate is beyond unacceptable and the government only cares for uptown Kingston and tourist areas. The rest it couldn’t give a shit about, especially places like Hanover where my family is.

I’m born in England but family is from Jamaica. If it cared to tackle half the problems, I would probably move there myself, but it’s sad that many Jamaicans are taking their brilliant minds elsewhere. The government doesn’t care as long as they live in their little sections untouched and unaffected by the rest of the f*ckery dat ah gwaan in the rest of the island.


I agree… I did put better in quotation marks for a reason. What makes another country better? The thought of making more money? Better jobs? Less crime?

Not knowing what you’re going into and calling it better is a problem



Independent Jamaica has never given a damn about the Pillars of civilization - reasonable Health, Education and Security.

Michael Manley came along and promised paradise, and left us on the pathway to hell. A population full of entitled poor people, and egotistical rich people. It’s little wonder the middle class that just wanted to work for their fair share of the sea, sand and sun decided that would never happen.

To live well in Jamaica, you need private health, private school, private security, private transport, access to private beach, and so on. People cuss about public beaches being sold, but why? Do you rather an area with poor security? Disgusting bathrooms? Litter everywhere? Etc. Its the failure of our government and our people to honest. Private business is just doing what it has always done for profit… filling a void. In Jamaica that void is enormous!

The ill, poor, and ignorant are easy to manipulate and control with chicken back politics for a few decades. Then it’ll get out of hand and we’ll have complete anarchy and chaos like Haiti. They had a 100 year headstart on us.

I wish everyone well in countries that will pay them living wages and has a reasonable social safety net to keep people happy and healthy.


For the individual yes, for the country no. Losing talented young people will always be very bad for the development of the country but at the same time you can’t fault people for going where the opportunities are.


Yes I’m jamaican and there is people with diplomas and they still turned to crime bcz its not easy getting a job and living happy in a kurrupt country that money has little value so yeah I support the movement they gonna let jamaica become deserted watch


It’s sad that some folk are affected I.e. schools that are short staff which means kids are affected, lots of health professionals move which means the most vulnerable in society is affected: the sick and elderly. But the fault lies on the government and those who are in charge of leading the country through changes. The reasons why Jamaica can’t afford to increase salaries, wages, living standards etc is bcuz the governmental leaders aren’t doing anything landmark or fundamental to change the situation.

Yea we get a few developments here and there but those developments are like bandaids.

Most develop countries didn’t develop overnight. Their Governments did something paradigm shifting which eventually changed their societies. America is successful in many regards bcuz their system innovates itself every 4-8 years.

Jamaica on the other hand just operates on fumes and hardworking folks get off to seek fulfillment elsewhere


Sounds like Jamaica needs skilled people to remain in the country, there must be jobs available and they need to pay people enough to keep them there and keep their homes safe. Sometimes these businesses don’t even know the skilled people exist, and leaving Jamaica is not hard to do. There’s no incentive to stay.

Most of the people I know who’ve left Jamaica are indeed very well educated and highly intelligent people. I would absolutely agree. They’ve lost a lot of return on investment from the school system. They have a big picture problem there.

Does anybody know if Jamaica has a indeed or Yahoo jobs, to apply or at least post a resume?


Wish I could’ve taken everyone in my family with me because it ruff when everyone in Jamaica waiting on your paycheck every Friday. At least if they weren’t in Jamaica they’d have a fair chance to work and fend for themselves


Yeah if you’re a local because everyone is broke.You’re probably not making enough money yet. I am the one who everybody calls when it’s back to school, rent , birthdays and cxc time. It’s the same for all my friends who are overseas. It’s your family and it’s hard to to say no. Ask any Jamaican living overseas and they’ll tell you the same thing. If you’re in Jamaica you probably won’t experience this because let’s be honest. You’re probably not making any money down there


I am overseas but I don’t share that experience. And a lot of people that I know who are from rural areas and more poverty stricken areas in Jamaica do not live that experience. So as I said, it’s just a matter of perspective. And no I am not coming from a wealthy background. I do help ppl but at the same time, ppl have to take personal responsibility regardless of their geographical location.


Well you are correct. It’s hard. I know that. But some folks use that as an excuse to be totally dependent on others and not want to do anything for themselves. And I’m not saying that is the case for your family. I hope I’m not misunderstood


Yes I can link u to a video where a country that lacks funding just like Jamaica I making the best out of what they have to ensure they have 1 of the most educated populations in europe by funding schools and teachers while every week andrew and friends steal more money


My bestie stays because she believes in Jamaica. She a specialty nurse at one of the worst hospitals, works 16 -18 hour shifts where she frequently doesn’t get to eat or sit the entire shift. 6 days a week. She makes a grand total of $400 usd a month. Not enough to survive.

I can’t wait for her to leave and be valued for her work.


There is the idea that anywhere… And I mean anywhere is better than Jamaica. That’s the part of the brain Drain argument that I can’t agree with. People often times draw comparisons between a developed vs a developing nation. Which is like apples for oranges.

A lot of folks have ran away in other first world countries in search of better only to go to these places and live arguably worse living conditions.

There is the known fact of Jamaicans abroad working harder and even doing more menial jobs when they are there and call that a better life.


Yes I do. If I get an opportunity I would take it. Of course I may come back and will definitely invest but the economy, crime and lack of opportunities are push factors that would influence my decision.