Charles Town is located inland near the town of Buff Bay. The settlement emerged around 1754. Charles Town as a Maroon Community was not named on maps until 1832. Prior to this date, it was identified as New Crawford Town. Unlike other Maroon settlements, Charles Town is not located in the deep mountain valleys, but rather, on the flat coastal plains. It is one of four major Maroon settlements in Jamaica.
Three major attractions in the community are the museum, the library, and the Asafu Ground. In front of the museum is a library which has many books on Maroon heritage. The Asafu Ground is the venue of the annual Charles Town Maroon celebrations.
Charles Town is regarded by the Maroons as the haunt of Quao, Maroon leader, and hero. It was home to Captain Quao, military strategist for the Windward Maroons, a signer of the Peace treaty with the British in June 23, 1739. Charles Town rests on just under 1,000 acres of maroon community lands which is governed by the Maroon Council under the leadership of Col. Frank Lumsden.